The former Baskonia player becomes a shareholder and supports the capital increase because “I will never forget all the great times I spent here, they are a big part of my life”.
Another of the greatest players in Baskonia history has become a shareholder and joined the campaign ‘I am Baskonia’. Much loved and remembered by the Vitorian public, Igor Rakocevic did not hesitate in order to get involved with the club that has marked his life. The memories are unforgettable, the experiences unique, and my love for the club and the city, eternal. “Many players have grown up in this club and recognize it as a major part of his career. For me, this is my second home. I know I am well-liked by the fans here and by the people of the club. I’m proud of having spent the best and most successful years of my career with this team”. The Serbian has visited the Buesa Arena, which is always a joy for him. “The years I lived here are etched in my memory, the fans also. I’ll never forget what happened here and I will always remember it with a smile. It’s a big part of my life” says former baskonia player who also acknowledges being “in constant contact with many fans on Twitter and social networks”.

Rakocevic is clear about why he engages in the capital increase. “It is a responsibility of all who have lived here very good years, memories and success to give back and help the club. I recommend other players who have grown up here to help the club as some have already done and sure many more will”. Rako also wanted to share what has meant and means Baskonia to his life. “It was a very important part of my personal growth as a player and as a person, I matured a lot. Baskonia completely changed me and I am grateful”.
He considers Baskonia as “the best product of Vitoria” and points out that during his stay in the city he actually spent the best years of his career. “Having to choose a single moment is complicated, but I’ll never forget the league title (it was impressive) and the Spanish King’s Cup in Madrid getting to play those amazing final moments after extra time”. But if something has gotten deep into him has been the love and the thrust of Baskonia fans. “They chanted my name many times and thanks to them played most of the time in a state of trance, with an incredible energy”.
Retired now from basketball at a professional level, he has not stopped practicing sport. In fact, he’s still a champion. “I recently got the gold medal in jiu-jitsu with Macedonia. It is a serious hobby, but because I can’t do anything half ways, if I do something I do it to the fullest, that’s my character” he admits. I keep training “because I carry basketball in the blood” but decided it was time to rest and spend more time with his relatives. “I want to enjoy my family and reward them for all these years in which I have not had spare time to enjoy and after this I will start thinking about what’s best for my future”, he argues. For now, he plans to open a development school in a few weeks in Belgrade “along with a great set of physical and mental professionals to boost preparation” aimed at professional athletes.