The Baskonia entity will promote during the next three years the protection and improvement of child rights with the support of Save the Children
Saski Baskonia will support over the next three years the program to fight child poverty promoted by Save the Children. With the motto “Together to defeat child poverty”, both entities join forces in this initiative that shall promote the protection and improvement of the rights of children. This is a historic agreement for Baskonia, which becomes an ambassador for the rights of children worldwide through the collaboration with Save the Children.
Also, through this agreement, Saski Baskonia will become the first team of the ACB League which it is linked to an NGO and will strengthen its active contribution to the development and improvement of the quality of life of the society, promoting education through sport among the most vulnerable children around the world. For its part, Save the Children will reinforce its support for the program to fight child poverty, which serves about 600 children in Euskadi (5.000 in Spain).
Among other issues, the agreement includes fundraising and mobilization actions, as well as the support of the sports organization in emergency situations and the creation of two teams in the Baskonia School with children participating in programs of Save the Children. Fruit of this collaboration, in addition, the shirts of the players will wear the logo of Save the Children in the back during the Endesa League and Euroleague games, increasing the national and international visibility of the organization and the relevance of their work on behalf of children. When buying tickets for the Baskonia games, whoever wants can also donate to Save the Children.

“We are enormously grateful to Baskonia for all the support they have given us over the years through various charitable initiatives and which is now sealed in this alliance. Their collaboration is crucial for us to reach more and more children who are living in poverty or social exclusion”, stated Andrés Conde, General Manager of Save the Children.
For its part, Jesus Vázquez, General Manager of Saski Baskonia, has explained how their “firm commitment to society has also led us to promote projects that aim to help struggling families, using basketball as a tool. Therefore, the support of this prestigious organization, Save the Children, is a great endorsement to be able to fight by joining the best of both”.

Currently, more than 55,000 children under 14 years live in families with insufficient income to meet their basic needs, according to the 2014 Social Needs Survey of the Basque Country, developed by the Department of Employment and Social Affairs of the Basque Government. In the whole Spain, according to the National Statistics Institute (NSI), 1 in 3 children live at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This agreement serves to underscore the importance of fighting all together child poverty and recognizes the private sector as a key actor for its ability to influence and mobilize the society.
About Baskonia
Baskonia, since its founding in 1959, besides having become a club awarded for its management in Spain and Europe and having achieved major sporting milestones, has always been committed to various social projects, promoting healthy lifestyles among children of Araba, raising awareness of different causes of families in difficulty or even at peak times raising funds for organizations.
Likewise, Baskonia has always transmitted positive values such as a healthy lifestyle, sportsmanship, effort, achievement and teamwork, aware of the physical, psychological and emotional benefits that these activities can bring to our youth.
About Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization in the defense of the rights of children worldwide. Works in over 120 countries saving lives, providing security and protection to children and defending their rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations.
It has been working in Spain for over 20 years with programs to assist the most vulnerable children, focusing on children at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Through their programs in Spain, they provide comprehensive care to the kids and their families so that the economic situation or social exclusion in which they live does not prevent them from fully exercising their rights and can reach their fullest capabilities.