Vitoria-Gasteiz is witness to the creation of a university which sets out to be of international acclaim in sport, health and new technologies, and thus boost talent acquisition and training across these fields in Álava.
Introducing EUNEIZ – The European University of Gasteiz, an ambitious higher education project, jointly created by the School of New Interactive Technologies (ENTI; Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives) and the University School of Health and Sport (EUSES; Escola Universitària de la Salut i l’Esport), as guarantors of success and solvency from the realm of teaching. Baskonia-Alavés Group together with the Provincial Council of Álava and the Vitoria-Gasteiz Council are backers of the innovative university in Álava’s capital that will have a significant socioeconomic impact thanks to the creation of more than five hundred job vacancies, signifying an annual GDP growth of 29 million euros.
Baskonia-Alavés Group and EUNEIZ believe in a dynamic institution that contributes to greater leadership for Vitoria-Gasteiz in areas with huge potential for training, internationalisation and RTD.
EUNEIZ will set up the following five 4-year undergraduate degrees in Vitoria-Gasteiz: Interactive Digital Content; Artistic Creation for Videogames and Applied Games; Music Production; Physical Activity and Sports Science; and Physiotherapy. Similarly, it will implement three official master’s degrees along with complementary activites to make the choice of courses even more comprehensive and attractive. University education appropriate to the context of digital economy is new to Álava, and the areas of study related to sport and health will provide state-of-the-art teaching through the use of new technologies in these areas.
The aim is to provide students with the best tools and abilities possible in order that they may become professionals of excellence. EUNEIZ is committed to a multidisciplinary approach to education, with academic disciplines aimed at adding value to society, learning in four languages, (Spanish, Basque, English and French) and an extensive international exchange programme for professors and students alike.
The attraction and furtherance of talent are primary goals for EUNEIZ in its start-up and subsequent development and are perfectly compatible with the philosophy and tradition of Baskonia and Alavés. This recruitment of talent will mean a significant investment in human capital, which is guaranteed to make EUNEIZ a cutting-edge university both locally and internationally.
The teaching of a portion of the undergraduate and master’s degrees, all official qualifications of each of the academic disciplines announced, will commence in 2018-19. The predicted alumni for the first year is roughly two thousand students, potentially reaching around 1,500 half way through, when all the courses are up and running.